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Rural tourism Farming Kisin

The Kisin farm is engaged in the production of cheese and cured meat products characteristic of this climate.

The farm is also registered as a provider of services in rural tourism.

Nalazimo se na magistralnom putu Trebinje-Herceg Novi udaljeno 10km od grada Trebinja, 30km od grada Dubrovnika i 40km od Herceg Novog, na nadmorskoj visini 920m.Na Gazdinstvu se nalazi mini sirana za proizvodnju kravljeg sira i konoba (turističko ugostiteljski objekat  kapaciteta 50 osoba).Ono što ponudu Gazdinstva Kisin čini jedinstvenu na tržištu jeste ugodan seoski ambijent,čist vazduh,mirna sredina.

The basic offer consists of:

– Homemade cuisine (homemade dishes prepared in the traditional way)
– Homemade brandy, wine and liqueurs (natural product)
– Recreation and entertainment (cycling, recreational walking, possibility of hunting)
- Organizing business meetings, seminars, presentations
– Gift packages

Working hours: Every day from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. (appointment required)

Payment - Price from 10 to 30 KM per person. Payment in cash or via account.

The facility has a license Bike Friendly Standard (link)

Do you need a restaurant reservation and recommendation of local cuisine in Herzegovina? Leave it to the local experts who know all the Bike Friendly restaurants available. Contact our partners - ERO Travel Tour Agency.

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🚴‍♂️ Eastern Herzegovina/Republika Srpska

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In 2017, the British media "The Guardian" published an article about the Ćiro trail from Mostar to Dubrovnik 👉 LINK.

In 2017, a New York Times magazine journalist cycled the Ćiro trail from Mostar to Dubrovnik and published an article after his cycle trip 👉 LINK.

Lonely Planet ranks Herzegovina and the Ciro trail among the top 4 world destinations 👉 LINK.

National Geographic published an article about 6 unforgettable tours in Herzegovina 👉 LINK.

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