Since 2018, the day June 3 is synonymous with World Bicycle Day which was established by the United Nations, and the association HerzegovinaBike together with 18 cycling clubs from Herzegovina invites you to celebrate this international bicycle day together by using bicycles today.
Of course, today's rain does not really favor this call, but there is no other reason why we should not use the bike on days when the weather is suitable for cycling and enjoy the beauty of freedom and the wind in our hair. Summer is finally here! The days are long, the sun is shining, and countless great cycling destinations are waiting to be explored, and our website is full of cycling routes you're sure to enjoy. Choose one of them, dare to go cycling, send us photos and tell us how you had a good time. We will share your experience and invite everyone else to do the same and follow your positive experience. In a word, we will jointly promote cycling and cycle tourism in our country, all while enjoying exploring Herzegovina by doing what we love most - cycling.

Here are 10 reasons why cycling in the summer is simply the best.
1. Great weather
Leave the changeable spring weather behind and get on your bike! Take advantage of the warm sun, beautiful blue skies and occasional fresh rain showers while they last. Fall will be here sooner than you think, so enjoy the season as much as possible.
2. The breeze in your hair
Feel the wind in your hair and enjoy the fresh breeze on your face as you drive – there's no better way to cool off on a hot summer day!

3. Great diversity in training
Cooler nights and hot days provide just the right variety for your workouts. If you want a more relaxed ride, head out in the early morning or after sunset for a sweat-free ride. However, you can also take advantage of the crazy hot daytime temperatures to challenge yourself by riding in tougher conditions. Just make sure you stay hydrated!
4. Time for new experiences
Why not try something new this summer? Mountain biking can be a great activity to diversify your skills during the hot season. It provides an excellent upper body workout and improves your cycling technique. In addition, you will be out in nature where the temperatures are lower - a big advantage during the summer months!
5. Cycling holiday
There is no better time to explore new places by bike than in summer! Whether you stay in your country or go abroad, summer is a time for exploration, new discoveries, memories and meeting interesting people along the way. There are countless cycling events around the world that you can participate in. If you're planning a multi-day tour, why not log the route on Garmin and send us a description of your trip and experiences along with a few photos? Maybe your Cycling Story will be featured on the HerzegovinaBike website!

6. Free time
Whether you want to go out alone or with family and friends, chances are that you and the people around you have time off from work, school or studies. Use the HerzegovinaBike website to discover new routes while you're out and about and share it with our cycling community and invite friends to join you on a tour.
7. Night driving
If ever there was a time to ride a bike at night, it's summer! Set off just after sunset and enjoy the drive through the empty streets and be sure to cool off. Night driving is also a great group activity, so why not turn it into a fun event with friends? Just bring proper bike lighting so you can be seen.

8. Driving indoors
Don't like hot weather and your schedule doesn't allow you to drive in the morning or at night? Stick to indoor driving. Training on an ergometer can be more effective than riding an actual bike - just sit on the seat, turn on the RollaApp app to record your training and start pedaling. Additional advantage: no worries about traffic and road safety.
9. There is no need for public transport
No one likes spending time around sweaty people on the bus during the hottest months of the year. By cycling in the summer, you can avoid this!

10. Getting a tan
Naturally, spending a lot of time in the sun, you're bound to get sunburned! Be sure to protect your skin with sunscreen, but don't be surprised if at the end of the day you notice visible tan lines where your bike shorts were. Some would say: wear them as a badge of honor!
What do you like most about cycling in the summer? ☀️
Write to us in the comments! 🚴🏻