During the past weekend, May 25 and 26, 2024, at the Ljubuška Outdoor Festival event held in Ljubuška, the association "HerzegovinaBike" presented one of the most significant sports events, Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival. Na Ljubuški Outdoor Festivalu je prisustvovalo jako mnogo izlagača iz Bosne i Hercegovine koji su predstavljali svoje događaje i proizvode, kao i velik broj sportaša i posjetitelja koji su sudjelovali u ovom događaju… Ovaj prestižni događaj trajao je tri dana, a uveličali su ga brojni događaji i sadržaji poput trčanja, paraglidinga, vožnje kanuima na rijeci Trebižat, koncertom Crvene Jabuke, Outdoor sajam i izložbeni program, te biciklističke utrke kao završni dio programa. Bitno je kazati kako je na ovom događaju sudjelovalo više od 1000 aktivnih sportaša.
The Ljubuški Outdoor Festival was visited by a very large number of visitors, and the association "Herzegovina Bike" it had its own booth where visitors could get all the information about the Blidinje Nature Park and the organization of the event Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival with all the details, how to participate, register and what we have prepared for our visitors. We also presented upcoming races Balkan Championship and UCI Class 1 rang XCM Herzegovina marathon, which the organizers hope will attract athletes and teams from 20 countries around the world this year.

“We have a very large and challenging organization ahead of us, and we are putting in a lot of effort to make this event go as smoothly as possible and to present our country in the best possible light. As an association, we are actively working to promote cyclotourism in our country and the organization of these events is an excellent medium through which we want to present all the work we have done and all the offer of our country when it comes to cyclotourism. There are almost 100 people in the organizational team who are actively working on the realization of the project, which only speaks of the size of the event that awaits us on the 7th of the month in the Blidinje Nature Park.", said Toni Zorić in front of the organizing committee.
“During this very important festival in Ljubuški, we gained a very large number of contacts and talked with the visitors of our stand about the event Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival and the Blidinje Nature Park, about the rich tourist offer of Blidinje, as well as about sports and family tourism, and we realized that a large number of people interested in coming and participating in the event", Zorić added.

Onim aktivnim natjecateljima sa kojim smo se susreli posljednjeg dana tijekom održavanja biciklističke utrke u Ljubuškom, najprivlačniji je bio događaj Balkanskog prvenstva i UCI Class 1 XCM Herzegovina maraton, te su mnogi od njih izrazili želju da dođu nekoliko dana ranije na Blidinje kako bi trenirali i što bolje upoznali stazu. Dok je s druge strane, rekreativcima i obiteljima bila veoma interesantna ponuda za rekreativnu biciklijadu “Stazom Ajduka” koja ih vodi i upoznaje sa Parkom prirode Blidinje kao destinacijom i svim njezinim prirodnim i kulturnim bogatstvima, ali i gastronomijom. Onim mlađi su pak tražili informaicju više o zabavnom programu koji ih očekuje u subotu večer, odnosno 13.07.2024 godine. Posetitelji su istakli da je Blidinje sve popularnija destinacija, te da se ističe po kvalitetu usluge, a u sportskom smislu, s dobrim referencama istaknut je Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival događaj koji je stekao povjerenje od strane sportaša širom svijeta.
We owe a great deal of gratitude to the City of Ljubuška and the organizers of the Ljubuška Outdoor Festival, who helped us present the Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival at such a large outdoor festival.

This type of event has a positive impact on the position of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which as a destination is very attractive to tourists from all over the world, and the best indicator is the Ćiro trail, which is visited by thousands of cycle tourists from all over the world every year, with a constant increase in visits. Association "HerzegovinaBike" plans to continue presenting this sports and tourism product, both at events in Croatia, and at numerous fairs that we planned to visit in 2024 and to present our event for 2025.
Još nas 45 dana dijeli do početka Continental Blidinje BIKE Festivala, najvećeg biciklističkog festivala u Bosni i Hercegovini koji se održava od 12.-14.07.2024 godine, a organizatori ne kriju veliko uzbuđenje zbog ovog projekta, te najavljuju spektakularan vikend. Program događaja možete pogledati na službenoj web stranici Blidinje BIKE Festival website (link).
The Continental Blidinje BIKE Festival event was supported by: General Patron –: Continental Tires, Bronze sponsor – Apolo Škoda Mostar, and patrons: Federalno ministarstvo okoliša i turizma, Federalno ministarstvo kulture i sporta; Federalno ministarstvo Obrazovanja i Nauke, Vlada Županije Zapadnohercegovačke, Vlada Hercegovačko-neretvanske županije, Vlada Hercegbosanske županije, USAID Turizam, Ambasada republike Italije u Bosni i Hercegovini, Italijanska agencija za razvojnu saradnju – AICS and CISP Bosna i Hercegovina u okviru projekta NaturBosniaHerzegovina, Posušje Municipality, City of Ljubuški, Turistička zajednica HNŽ/K, Ministarstvo trgovine, turizma i zaštite okoliša HNŽ, Sportski savez Grada Mostara, and sponsors:: HT Eronet, Fortuna Tours, Visit Blidinje, Capriolo Mostar, LEDA Voda, Hercegovina Vino, Satelit TBM, restoran “Hajdučke Vrleti”, restoran “Staza”, restoran “Risovac”, Quest.HR.